Goodbye America, Hello Hungary!

I am done with my sophomore year and will be leaving in less than four days ☺ Just so everyone knows the details, my itinerary:

Departing June 15 from Columbus at 4:00 pm
Arriving NYC/Kennedy at 6:02 pm
Departing NYC/Kennedy at 7:30 pm
Arriving June 16 in Budapest, Hungary at 10:50 am

I will be traveling with everyone else on the program and feel bad for whoever will be sitting around us. Once we arrive in Budapest, we will be getting on a bus for three hours to Pecs, in southwest Hungary.

I’m not really nervous or worried at all for packing, the trip, or the journey. I think because traveling to Japan was so stressful with the cancelled flights and confusion, I got it all out of my system. The most difficult part right now is just trying to figure out how to carpool to Columbus.

Fortunately this time, I have an iPod, laptop, and friends that will help pass the time, rather than watching the movie Wild Hogs twelve times in eight different languages. I will probably hyperventilate a few times from the excitement, but all will be spectacular.

I am just finishing unpacking all of my stuff from school and organizing everything for my parents to take down to my house while I am away; I will be going straight from the airport to Ohio University to take summer classes upon return to the US, so I will continue to be running nonstop until forever. I will only be packing a few things for my trip and am not worrying about forgetting anything (except my passport), because I will be living in furnished apartments downtown where I can buy everything much cheaper than in the US.

I probably won’t be writing anymore until I leave, since I will just be packing and getting more and more excited, so have a most spectacular day and talk to you soon from Hungary!